I just joined the blogaholicnetwork where you can talk with other bloggers, share ideas, ask each other questions and check out each others blogs!  You should check it out, here is the link below!  It's a great idea and easier way to find others with the same interests as you!  



  1. Welcome to Blogaholic. I tried to search you on there but couldn't find you. As soon as you get a chance go to the forum and introduce yourself on the Introduce Yourself Thread. That will get you noticed quick. Everything looks really cute here on your blog. Patricia xoxox

  2. Thanks! I'm glad to be a part of it! :)

  3. Hi! I recently joined also but have not had a chance to really check it out. New follower from the stalker hop! I would love for you to stop by to say hi & return follow! :)

  4. I was just wondering if there was something out there like this - checking it out now!


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